Black Type Race

ColtsNeckH. $0, MTH,

08/21/11, , 6f, 1:10.31, GD
Margins: 1/2, nk, 5 Odds: 12.7, 1.9, 6.4
1-- Dabnabit, 117, c, 2025, by Intidab
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: G J Stable
B: G. J. Stables
T: Carvajal Luis Jr
J: Santiago Victor
$39,000 Lifetime: 28-5-4-2, $272,011
2-- Gunfighter, 122, h, 18, by Iron Deputy
1st Dam: Sweetgeorgiabrown by Mazel Trick
2nd Dam: Pretty Is by Doonesbury
3rd Dam: Calista by Sword Dancer
O: Moore Susan & M & M Thoroughbred Pa
B: Susan Moore & John Moore
T: Klesaris Steve
J: Valdivia J Jr
$13,000 Lifetime: 16-4-6-1, $248,452
3-- Hop Skip and Away, 116, h, 20, by Gold Fever
1st Dam: Wingspread by Gulch
2nd Dam: Grecian Flight by Cormorant
3rd Dam: Green Greek by Green Ticket
O: Laszlo Janet A & Lindh H C B
B: Janet Laszlo
T: Pierce Joseph H Jr
J: Cotto P L Jr
$7,800 Lifetime: 38-6-7-9, $388,753

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