Black Type Race

Sunland Park H. - L, $0, SUN,

04/15/12, , 1 1/8m, 1:49.78, FT
Margins: 2, 2 3/4, 1 Odds: 18, 4.7, 2.6
1-- Fog Alert, 115, g, 2025, by Thunder Gulch
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Olivier Art & Robin & Wolochuk Davi
B: Capeheart Tom
T: Wolochuk David
J: Tohill K S
$60,000 Lifetime: 25-6-2-5, $246,520
2-- Forest Mouse, 119, h, 17, by Teton Forest
1st Dam: Fast Mouse by Fast Play
2nd Dam: Kind Hearted Lady by Carr de Naskra
3rd Dam: Why Did I by Foolish Pleasure
O: Thomas Parnell
B: E H Beau Lane III
T: Dominguez Henry
J: Medellin A
$21,500 Lifetime: 21-7-6-2, $174,192
3-- Vamoose, 120, g, 2025, by Petionville
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Everest Stables Inc
B: Everest Stables Inc
T: Dominguez Henry
J: Gomez Enrique Portillo
$10,000 Lifetime: 18-6-2-5, $191,011

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