Black Type Race

Fonner Park Special S. $0, FON,

04/12/14, , 6f, 01:14.600, FT
Margins: HF, 6, 2 3/4 Odds: 1, 2.3, 3.9
1-- Super Charlie, 116, g, 14, by Shadow Hawk
1st Dam: Burning Memories by Verzy
2nd Dam: Envy Me Fool by
3rd Dam: Mama C. by
O: James E. Cranwell
B: Jim Cranwell
T: Cranwell James E
J: Shino K A
$15,480 Lifetime: 2-2-0-0, $21,252
2-- So Contagious, 121, h, 14, by Dazzling Falls
1st Dam: Patty Ann by Lytrump
2nd Dam: St. Patty Day by
3rd Dam: Miss Static by
O: Anderson Racing Stable
B: David Anderson
T: Anderson David C
J: Olesiak J
$5,160 Lifetime: 3-1-1-1, $12,086
3-- Bazinga Bently, 119, g, 14, by Transept
1st Dam: Scratched by Blumin Affair
2nd Dam: Vite Femme by Northiam
3rd Dam: Quick And Fancy by Marshua's Dancer
O: Simon, Bill and Brandt, Greg
B: Arne Anderson & Ruth Anderson
T: Rising Bob
J: Haar Nathan
$3,096 Lifetime: 6-0-2-3, $8,987

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