Black Type Race

Saranac H. - G3, $0, SAR,

09/06/04, , 1 3/16m, 1:53.89, T, FM
Margins: hd, 2 1/4, 1 1/2 Odds: 2.05, 2.45, 12.4
1-- Prince Arch, 123, h, 24, by Arch
1st Dam: Princess Kris (GB) by Kris (GB)
2nd Dam: As You Desire Me (Ire) by Kalamoun (GB)
3rd Dam: Royal Saint (GB) by
O: Cottrell Raymond H Sr
B: Pine Lake Bloodstock LLC
T: McPeek Kenneth G
J: Castellano J J
$64,920 Lifetime: 13-5-4-1, $419,186
2-- Mustanfar, 121, h, 24, by Unbridled
1st Dam: Manwah by Lyphard
2nd Dam: Height of Fashion (Fr) by Bustino (GB)
3rd Dam: Highclere (GB) by Queen's Hussar (GB)
O: Shadwell Stable
B: Shadwell Farm, LLC
T: McLaughlin Kiaran P
J: Velasquez Cornelio
$21,640 Lifetime: 12-3-3-1, $263,070
3-- Catch the Glory, 115, c, 2025, by Honour and Glory
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Sovereign Stable & Gatsas Stables
B: Mrs. Mary Sullivan
T: Terranova John P II
J: Chavez J F
$10,820 Lifetime: 8-2-1-1, $76,540

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