Black Type Race

Miss Preakness S. - L, $0, PIM,

05/16/14, , 6f, 01:10.850, GD
Margins: 1 3/4, 5 3/4, NO Odds: 5, 24.2, 1.4
1-- Miss Behaviour, 122, m, 14, by Jump Start
1st Dam: Successful Romance by Successful Appeal
2nd Dam: Timely Affair by Gilded Time
3rd Dam: Friendly Relations by
O: MacWilliam, Cal and Teitelbaum, Neil
B: Cal MacWilliam & Teitelbaum & As
T: Schoenthal Phil
J: Russell Sheldon
$60,000 Lifetime: 7-4-1-1, $312,000
2-- Stormy Novel, 116, m, 14, by Bernardini
1st Dam: Teton National by Forestry
2nd Dam: Hard To Copy by Mr. Prospector
3rd Dam: Hot Novel by Mari's Book
O: Cam Allard
B: Fred W. Hertrich III & John D. Field
T: Servis John C
J: Carmouche K
$20,000 Lifetime: 6-2-2-0, $87,680
3-- Jojo Warrior, 116, m, 14, by Pioneerof the Nile
1st Dam: Carson Jen by Carson City
2nd Dam: Calamitous Jen by Deputy Minister
3rd Dam: Robertina by Roberto
O: Zayat Stables, LLC
B: Zayat Stables, LLC
T: Baffert Bob
J: Napravnik Anna R
$10,000 Lifetime: 4-1-1-1, $80,781

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