Black Type Race

Ashley T. Cole S. $0, BEL,

09/11/11, , 1 1/8m, 1:51.50, T, TF
Margins: 3 1/2, 5, 3 1/4 Odds: 1.9, 3.3, 7.8
1-- Compliance Officer, 123, h, 19, by Officer
1st Dam: Purple Hills by Dynaformer
2nd Dam: Gray Cashmere by Relaunch
3rd Dam: Feature Price by Quack
O: La Marca Stable
B: Kenneth L. Ramsey & Sarah K. Ramsey
T: Brown Bruce R
J: Solis A
$60,000 Lifetime: 21-8-4-2, $334,566
2-- Pocket Cowboys, 123, g, 19, by Wild Event
1st Dam: Lotsa Sprinkles by Thunder Puddles
2nd Dam: Jimmy's Girl by Proudest Roman
3rd Dam: Witha Cherry Ontop by Groton
O: Schwartz Scott M
B: Schwartz Scott M
T: Schwartz Scott M
J: Velazquez J R
$20,000 Lifetime: 26-6-9-3, $460,550
3-- Minnie Punt, 118, g, 19, by Gold Fever
1st Dam: Let's Punt by
2nd Dam: Jetazelle by Tri Jet
3rd Dam: Fleet Gazelle by
O: Marjac Pino Stable & Bommarito Vinc
B: James Pino & Lisa Pino
T: Miceli Michael
J: Bravo J
$10,000 Lifetime: 13-4-1-3, $177,955

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