Black Type Race

Dancin Renee S. $0, BEL,

07/03/14, , 6f, 01:09.990.
Margins: 1 3/4, 7 3/4, 6 Odds: 0.2, 3.7, 10.5
Also Ran: Clear Pasaj,
1-- La Verdad, 123, m, 15, by Yes It's True
1st Dam: Noble Fire by Hook and Ladder
2nd Dam: Noble Affair by Melodisk
3rd Dam: Lady Bluemont by Noble Title
O: Lady Sheila Stable
B: Eklektikos Stable LLC
T: Rice Linda
J: Ortiz Irad Jr
$60,000 Lifetime: 11-9-1-0, $606,700
2-- Willet, 123, m, 17, by Jump Start
1st Dam: Katina K by Distinctive Pro
2nd Dam: Darlin Momma by Night Invader
3rd Dam: Donna's Darlin by Nehoc's Bullet
O: Iselin, James H., Assoulin, Charlotte and Gindi, Eli
B: Michael T. Martin
T: Iselin James H
J: Rosario Joel
$20,000 Lifetime: 16-7-6-1, $514,900
3-- Risky Rachel, 121, m, 18, by Limehouse
1st Dam: Dancin Renee by Distinctive Pro
2nd Dam: Lolli Lucka Lolli by Sweet Candy (Ven)
3rd Dam: Promenade by Corslew
O: Bacon Barn
B: Sanford Bacon
T: Coronel Juan M
J: Castellano J J
$10,000 Lifetime: 22-9-4-2, $457,736

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