Black Type Race

Idaho Cup Juvenile S. $0, BOI,

08/02/14, , 5f, 00:58.900, FT
Margins: 3/4, 2 1/4, 3 Odds: 2.8, 5, 0.7
1-- Allovertwistabout, 122, g, 13, by Allover
1st Dam: Plain Cheesecake by Albert the Great
2nd Dam: We've Got the Gold by
3rd Dam: Ira's Cat by
O: Keshian, Harry K. and Keshian, Cheryl
B: Harry K. Keshian & Cheryl A. Keshian
T: Treasure Paul
J: Birt Braxon
$19,600 Lifetime: 1-1-0-0, $19,600
2-- Memo to Reese, 122, h, 13, by Lucks Mine
1st Dam: Memo Bay by Memo (Chi)
2nd Dam: Revelation Bay by
3rd Dam: Americanrevelation by Foolish Pleasure
O: Garrett, Jim, Garrett, Nancy and Murray, Josh
B: James A. Garrett & Nancy Jo Garrett
T: Simpson Gary
J: Torres J Luis
$7,000 Lifetime: 2-0-1-0, $7,897
3-- Tizzy Dizzy, 119, m, 13, by One Union
1st Dam: Big Creek Tizzy by Cee's Tizzy
2nd Dam: Shu Julie by
3rd Dam: Proud Julie by
O: Judd A. Whitworth
B: Judd A. Whitworth
T: Hall Dru
J: Black Nikeela
$4,200 Lifetime: 1-0-0-1, $4,200

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