Black Type Race

Longines Dixie S. - G2, $0, PIM,

05/17/14, , 1 1/16m, 01:43.880, T, GD
Margins: 1, NO, 3/4 Odds: 7.5, 3.2, 7.4
1-- Utley, 118, h, 17, by Smart Strike
1st Dam: No Matter What by Nureyev
2nd Dam: Words Of War by Lord At War (Arg)
3rd Dam: Right Word by Verbatim
O: Augustin Stable
B: Augustin Stable
T: Sheppard Jonathan E
J: Prado E S
$240,000 Lifetime: 24-6-2-4, $448,026
2-- Hey Leroy, 120, g, 15, by Any Given Saturday
1st Dam: Galashey by Gulch
2nd Dam: Lasha by Rahy
3rd Dam: Raise The Bridge by Raise a Cup
O: Rontos Racing Stable Corp.
B: Spruce Lane Farm
T: Azpurua Manuel J
J: Castellano J J
$80,000 Lifetime: 25-6-6-3, $282,691
3-- Chamois, 118, h, 15, by Smart Strike
1st Dam: Meridiana (Ger) by Lomitas (GB)
2nd Dam: Mon Bijou (Ger) by
3rd Dam: by
O: Kelly, Jon and Sarah
B: Jon Kelly & Sarah Kelly
T: Clement Christophe
J: Bravo J
$40,000 Lifetime: 10-4-0-3, $242,625

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