Black Type Race

Barbara Shinpoch S. $0, EMD,

08/17/14, , 6 1/2f, 01:17.230.
Margins: HD, 4, 3HF Odds: 2.3, 0.9, 21.9
1-- Pippa Bou Peep, 113, m, 13, by Harbor the Gold
1st Dam: Annie's Bou Peep by
2nd Dam: Bou An Run by
3rd Dam: Bou-Matic by
O: Essex, Charles D. and Dave and The Little Lady Stable
B: C. E. "Rich" Richardson & Ann Richar
T: Essex Charles
J: Kubinova Eliska
$27,225 Lifetime: 5-1-2-2, $45,357
2-- Seeking the Light, 118, m, 13, by Heatseeker (Ire)
1st Dam: Brightest by Beau Genius
2nd Dam: Painted Portrait by Naevus
3rd Dam: Picture Tube by T. V. Commercial
O: Maryanski, John and Janene
B: Anthony J. Haynes Stables LLC & The Seeker Syndicate
T: Wright Blaine
J: Mawing L A
$9,900 Lifetime: 3-1-1-1, $27,143
3-- Val de Saire, 116, m, 13, by Harbor the Gold
1st Dam: Follow Your Shot by Sir Cat
2nd Dam: Redding Ridge by Screen King
3rd Dam: Burma Belle by Vertex
O: Vital Signs Stable (Chinn)
B: Pat Chinn & Mullan Chinn
T: Harwood Doris
J: Mitchell G V
$7,425 Lifetime: 2-0-1-1, $10,070

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