Black Type Race

Columbus Maturity/Matron S. $0, CLS,

08/23/14, , 6 1/2f, 01:20.200, FT
Margins: 3/4, 11 1/4, 8 1/4 Odds: 2.8, 0.5, 8.9
1-- Sookie's Kookies, 118, m, 17, by Drinkwiththedevil
1st Dam: Shesaidsheknowsya by Miracle Heights
2nd Dam: Madimoiselle Flyer by Wind Flyer
3rd Dam: Madimoiselle Model by Soy Numero Uno
O: Brian M. Roberts
B: Shady Bend Thoroughbreds
T: Roberts Brian M
J: Ranilla L
$9,300 Lifetime: 39-9-7-5, $119,961
2-- Spice Swirl, 123, m, 18, by Shadow Hawk
1st Dam: Shesaidsheknowsya by Miracle Heights
2nd Dam: Madimoiselle Flyer by Wind Flyer
3rd Dam: Madimoiselle Model by Soy Numero Uno
O: Shady Bend Thoroughbreds
B: Shady Bend Thoroughbreds
T: Roberts Brian M
J: Olesiak Jake
$3,100 Lifetime: 38-14-7-2, $206,345
3-- Prime Bluff, 120, m, 17, by Silent Bluff
1st Dam: Prime Princess by
2nd Dam: Real Attraction by
3rd Dam: Real Affinity by
O: Dennis F. Smith
B: Dennis Smith
T: Lemburg Mark
J: Olesiak J
$1,860 Lifetime: 27-5-5-7, $45,973

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