Black Type Race

Ragin Cajun S. $0, EVD,

06/01/13, , 7f, 01:22.810, FT
Margins: 3HF, HD, 3 1/4 Odds: 1, 8.7, 22.1
Also Ran: Hero Force, Skinny,
1-- Lattin Devil, 122, h, 15, by Latent Heat
1st Dam: By The Belle by Geri
2nd Dam: Cozzena by Cozzene
3rd Dam: Minett by Fappiano
O: Terrell Jarrett Jr.
B: Highclere
T: Lara Jorge
J: Meche D J
$30,000 Lifetime: 7-4-1-1, $134,490
2-- Warren's Rebel, 117, h, 15, by Ole Rebel
1st Dam: Gayle's Approval by With Approval
2nd Dam: Knock'em Over by Annihilate 'Em
3rd Dam: Arctic Fancy by Nearctic
O: Glen C. Warren
B: Dr. Glen Warren
T: Leggio Andrew Jr
J: Guidry M
$10,000 Lifetime: 7-2-2-3, $79,330
3-- Don't Be Mad, 118, h, 15, by Don't Get Mad
1st Dam: Form An Accord by Dynaformer
2nd Dam: Petite D'Accord by D'Accord
3rd Dam: La Belle Paula by
O: Scherer, Merrill R. and Lynch, Dan A.
B: William D. Pickett
T: Ducoing Sturges J
J: Leblanc K P
$5,500 Lifetime: 7-2-0-3, $64,800

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