Black Type Race

Idaho Cup Sprint S. $0, BOI,

08/02/14, , 5f, 00:58.400, FT
Margins: 2 3/4, NK, HF Odds: 1.4, 4.7, 2.6
1-- Northern Poptart, 126, g, 18, by Slewvescent
1st Dam: Northern Manners by Thorn Dance
2nd Dam: All Manners by
3rd Dam: Rough Manner by
O: Carraway, Darren, Kelly, Bernie, Grigsby, Jim and Moon, Stacy
B: Gaylord Drown & Maxine Drown
T: Hall Dru
J: Black Nikeela
$11,480 Lifetime: 22-8-5-1, $61,406
2-- Formal Joker, 126, g, 15, by Formal Gold
1st Dam: Queen of Slew by
2nd Dam: Hungarian Queen by
3rd Dam: Rich Ice Cream by
O: Two The Max Investments LLC
B: Two The Max Investments, LLC
T: Barrows Nate
J: Condie N R
$4,100 Lifetime: 14-2-3-1, $23,007
3-- Cheddar Jac, 126, g, 16, by Cause Ur Mine
1st Dam: Cheese Puff by Lord of the Apes
2nd Dam: Cheese Blintze by
3rd Dam: Klara Balint by
O: Angie Thompson
B: Angela Thornson
T: Dahlke Kyle
J: Jimenez A
$2,460 Lifetime: 7-3-0-1, $11,363

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