Black Type Race

I'm Smokin S. $0, DMR,

09/01/14, , 6f, 01:11.250, AW.
Margins: HF, HF, 4HF Odds: 0.4, 11.8, 10.3
1-- Wake Up Nick, 123, h, 13, by Cindago
1st Dam: Storm Hearted by Lion Hearted
2nd Dam: Shallah by
3rd Dam: Temper the Wind by Elocutionist
O: Reddam Racing LLC
B: Lee Searing & Susan Searing
T: O'neill Doug
J: Gutierrez Mario
$85,500 Lifetime: 4-4-0-0, $251,100
2-- Global Magician, 120, g, 13, by Globalize
1st Dam: Shebang (Ire) by Trans Island (GB)
2nd Dam: Mystery Hill by Danehill
3rd Dam: Tendermark (Ire) by Prince Tenderfoot
O: Wachtel Stable and Barber, Gary
B: Ellen Jackson
T: Miller Peter
J: Trujillo E
$28,500 Lifetime: 4-1-2-1, $73,830
3-- Cardiac, 120, g, 13, by Papa Clem
1st Dam: Heatinaheartbeat by Unusual Heat
2nd Dam: Chemolo by Be a Native
3rd Dam: Eager Dusty by Eager Eagle
O: Abrams, Barry, M. Auerbach LLC, Naify, Marsha and Pecoraro, Onofrio
B: Madeline Auerbach, Marsha Naify, BarryAbrams & Onofrio Pecoraro
T: Abrams Barry
J: Quinonez Alonso
$18,000 Lifetime: 3-1-0-1, $67,500

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