Black Type Race

New Jersey Breeders H. $0, MTH,

09/06/14, , 6f, 01:09.830.
Margins: 12HF, 1, 3/4 Odds: 0.7, 3.4, 18.7
1-- Rainbow Heir, 126, h, 15, by Wildcat Heir
1st Dam: Rainbow Pride by Prospectors Gamble
2nd Dam: Our Lady Tingle by Pursuit
3rd Dam: Tingle by Sea Wall
O: New Farm
B: New Farm
T: Perkins Ben Jr
J: Serpa Angel
$34,200 Lifetime: 11-7-0-1, $315,210
2-- Partyallnightlong, 123, h, 18, by Put It Back
1st Dam: Party to Party by Jules
2nd Dam: Fiesta Baby by Dayjur
3rd Dam: Fiesta Gal by Alleged
O: Malouf, Richard and Broome, Edwin Thomas
T: Broome E Thomas
J: Lopez Pascacio
$12,000 Lifetime: 24-10-2-3, $515,230
3-- Magical Fire, 117, g, 16, by Speightstown
1st Dam: Freedom's Magic by
2nd Dam: Got a Cold by Drone
3rd Dam: Articana by Arctic Prince
O: Freedom Acres, Inc.
B: Y. Kolybabiuk
T: Serey Mario Jr
J: Fragoso P
$6,000 Lifetime: 14-2-2-1, $100,130

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