Black Type Race

Norgor Thoroughbred Derby $0, RUI,

06/15/14, , 6f, 01:10.240.
Margins: 1, 3/4, 6 1/4 Odds: 0.8, 4.5, 5.4
1-- Alsono, 120, h, 14, by Limehouse
1st Dam: Miss Blue Grass by St. Jovite
2nd Dam: Daloma (Fr) by Bellypha (Ire)
3rd Dam: Ricabie (Fr) by
O: Tony Pennington
B: Ann Marie Farm
T: Evans Justin
J: Gonzalez Elvin
$24,000 Lifetime: 13-6-3-2, $186,630
2-- The Tom Squad, 120, g, 14, by Old Topper
1st Dam: Lexie Miss by Forestry
2nd Dam: Miss Barbara by Miner's Mark
3rd Dam: Firtide by
O: Tommy Town Thoroughbreds LLC
B: Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, LLC
T: Nall Johnnie L
J: Gonzalez Ruby
$8,800 Lifetime: 11-1-6-2, $56,030
3-- Blackout, 120, g, 14, by Orientate
1st Dam: Fall Fantasy by Menifee
2nd Dam: Maple Creek by Forty Niner
3rd Dam: Miss Betty by Buckpasser
O: Diamant, Eli and Valentini, Brandon J.
B: Linda Griggs & John Griggs
T: Cappellucci Dick
J: Juarez A J Jr
$4,000 Lifetime: 12-2-1-4, $38,314

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