Black Type Race

Northwest Farms S. $0, EMD,

09/07/14, , 6f, 01:10.180.
Margins: 3, 3 3/4, 3 3/4 Odds: 20.2, 3.6, 0.7
1-- Seattles Best Copy, 119, m, 13, by Demon Warlock
1st Dam: Premo Copy by Supremo
2nd Dam: Soft Copy by Staff Writer
3rd Dam: Castinette by Captain Courageous
O: Stride for Stride Stables
B: John Roche
T: Pirone Mary E
J: Bowen Rocco
$25,510 Lifetime: 4-2-1-0, $35,429
2-- Fine Red Wine, 119, m, 13, by Private Gold
1st Dam: Ty's Princess by
2nd Dam: Queen Bluebird by Mr. Leader
3rd Dam: Smart Queen by King Pellinore
O: Tollett, Candice, Parks, Elaine and TMSA Holdings
B: Jennifer Hansen & Tami Masters
T: Tollett Bill
J: Matias J
$8,930 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $16,204
3-- Pippa Bou Peep, 119, m, 13, by Harbor the Gold
1st Dam: Annie's Bou Peep by
2nd Dam: Bou An Run by
3rd Dam: Bou-Matic by
O: Essex, Charles D. and Dave and The Little Lady Stable
B: C. E. "Rich" Richardson & Ann Richar
T: Essex Charles
J: Kubinova Eliska
$6,380 Lifetime: 6-1-2-3, $51,737

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