Black Type Race

Stuyvesant H. - G3, $0, AQU,

11/15/08, , 1 1/8m, 1:51.18, MY
Margins: 3 1/4, 3 3/4, no Odds: 4.1, 3.45, 4.7
1-- Dry Martini, 116, g, 22, by Slew Gin Fizz
1st Dam: Jon's Kimberly by Criminal Type
2nd Dam: I'm Tickled Pink by Sportin' Life
3rd Dam: I'm A Pleasure by What a Pleasure
O: Nyren Carol
B: Carol Hershe & Marty Hershe
T: Turner William H Jr
J: Hill C
$66,300 Lifetime: 20-7-4-2, $552,172
2-- Stud Muffin, 115, c, 2025, by Raffie's Majesty
1st Dam: Saratoga Princess by Seattle Dancer
2nd Dam: Kiwi Princess by Dr. Carter
3rd Dam: Proud Nova by Proud Birdie
O: Zito Louis Crean John & Romanelli J
B: Majesty Stud LLC
T: Duggan David P
J: Garcia A
$22,100 Lifetime: 25-6-4-4, $400,356
3-- Temporary Saint, 115, g, 2025, by Awesome Again
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Drawing Away Stable
B: Adena Springs
T: Jacobson David
J: Castro E
$11,050 Lifetime: 30-8-5-7, $372,308

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