Black Type Race

Punch Line S. $0, LRL,

09/13/14, , 5 1/2f, 01:01.910, T.
Margins: 2, 1, 1 Odds: 3.9, 2.3, 2.9
1-- Two Notch Road, 118, g, 18, by Partner's Hero
1st Dam: Capiana by Capote
2nd Dam: Alleged Triumph by Alleged
3rd Dam: Triumphal (Arg) by Logical
O: Hackman, James and Thompson, Glenn R.
B: James M Hackman
T: Thompson Glenn R
J: Pimentel J
$33,840 Lifetime: 18-4-0-2, $292,175
2-- Boltin' Out, 122, g, 16, by Outflanker
1st Dam: Boltin' Bride by Runaway Groom
2nd Dam: Cuca's Lady by Great Above
3rd Dam: Cuca's Gem by The Pruner
O: John W. Tucker
B: Anne N. Tucker
T: Garcia Carlos A
J: Karamanos H A
$11,280 Lifetime: 20-6-3-4, $174,505
3-- Joe Tess, 118, g, 15, by Macho Uno
1st Dam: Forty Moves by Gold Fever
2nd Dam: Dance Move by Capote
3rd Dam: Dance Teacher by Smarten
O: Stonestreet Stables and Bolton, George
B: Edward P. Evans
T: Ryan Derek S
J: Centeno D E
$6,204 Lifetime: 10-3-2-3, $88,534

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