Black Type Race

TVG Coaching Club American Oaks - G1, $0, SAR,

07/20/14, , 1 1/8m, 01:49.800.
Margins: 5, 4, 3 Odds: 1.2, 1.6, 10
1-- Stopchargingmaria, 121, m, 14, by Tale of the Cat
1st Dam: Exotic Bloom by Montbrook
2nd Dam: Melegant by Kris S.
3rd Dam: Abidjan by Sir Ivor
O: Repole Stable
B: Harvey Clarke & Brookdale Farm LLC
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Castellano J J
$180,000 Lifetime: 9-5-1-1, $1,054,000
2-- Unbridled Forever, 121, m, 14, by Unbridled's Song
1st Dam: Lemons Forever by Lemon Drop Kid
2nd Dam: Critikola (Arg) by Tough Critic
3rd Dam: Hola Keats (Arg) by Keats
O: Charles E. Fipke
B: Charles Fipke
T: Stewart Dallas
J: Rosario Joel
$60,000 Lifetime: 7-2-1-3, $368,830
3-- Miss Besilu, 121, m, 14, by Medaglia d'Oro
1st Dam: Quiet Dance by Quiet American
2nd Dam: Misty Dancer by Lyphard
3rd Dam: Flight Dancer by Misty Flight
O: Besilu Stables
B: Estate of Edward P. Evans
T: Mott William I
J: Lezcano Jose
$30,000 Lifetime: 8-2-2-1, $117,984

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