Black Type Race

Sorority S. - L, $0, MTH,

09/02/12, , 6f, 1:11.88, FT
Margins: 1 3/4, 3/4, 1 Odds: 15.4, 0.3, 42.9
1-- Doubled, 121, f, 2025, by Exchange Rate
1st Dam: Mayan Milagra by Menifee
2nd Dam: Dhaka by Icecapade
3rd Dam: Cloudy Day Sunny by Buckaroo
O: Shuford Nancy C
B: Nancy Shuford
T: Lynch Cathal
J: Arroyo Angel S
$60,000 Lifetime: 4-2-0-2, $98,550
2-- I'mclassyandsassy, 121, f, 15, by Master Command
1st Dam: Launch Site by Relaunch
2nd Dam: Insight To Cope by Copelan
3rd Dam: Precise Vision by Visualizer
O: Lieblong Alex & Joann
B: Jim R Wells
T: Hobby Steve
J: Lopez Pascacio
$20,000 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $44,000
3-- Back to Class, 121, m, 15, by Montbrook
1st Dam: Cut Class Leanne by Cutlass
2nd Dam: Silk Lilly by Never Bend
3rd Dam: Ciboulette by Bold Executive
O: Happy Tenth Stable
B: Ocala Stud
T: Wilson Tony
J: Lopez C C
$12,000 Lifetime: 4-1-0-1, $31,300

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