Black Type Race

Selima S. - L, $0, LRL,

11/19/05, , 1 1/16m, 1:41.87, T, FM
Margins: 3 3/4, nk, nk Odds: 1.2, 4.9, 12.3
1-- J'ray, 121, m, 22, by Distant View
1st Dam: Bubbling Heights (Fr) by Darshaan (GB)
2nd Dam: Bubbling Danseuse by Arctic Tern
3rd Dam: Premiere Danseuse (Fr) by Green Dancer
O: Goichman Lawrence
B: Goichman Lawerence
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Bailey J D
$60,000 Lifetime: 4-3-0-0, $157,245
2-- Nice Nelly, 121, m, 2025, by Seattle Slew
1st Dam: Pleasant Temper by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Colonial Witch by Pleasant Colony
3rd Dam: Witch Dance by
O: Lael Stables
B: Winstar Farm, LLC
T: Tagg Barclay
J: Prado E S
$20,000 Lifetime: 3-1-1-0, $46,025
3-- Rasta Farian, 121, m, 22, by Holy Bull
1st Dam: Chic Corine by Nureyev
2nd Dam: Chic Shirine by Mr. Prospector
3rd Dam: Too Chic by Blushing Groom (Fr)
O: Groves Helen K
B: Helen K. Groves Revokable Trust
T: Matz Michael R
J: Pino M G
$11,000 Lifetime: 5-1-1-1, $43,280

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