Black Type Race

Mike Lee S. $0, BEL,

06/01/13, , 7f, 01:21.640, FT
Margins: 1 3/4, 1, 2 1/4 Odds: 12.4, 1.45, 7.3
1-- Amberjack, 118, h, 15, by Indygo Shiner
1st Dam: Free as Tristan by Crafty Friend
2nd Dam: Miss Carlotita (Arg) by Masqued Dancer
3rd Dam: Carpolita (Arg) by
O: Peachtree Stable
B: Dixie Farm
T: Hushion Michael E
J: Alvarado Junior
$75,000 Lifetime: 5-3-0-1, $158,875
2-- Weekend Hideaway, 120, h, 15, by Speightstown
1st Dam: Apocalyptical by Wiseman's Ferry
2nd Dam: Apocalyptic by Hickman Creek
3rd Dam: Sign Language by Silent Screen
O: Red and Black Stable
B: Flying Zee Stables
T: Serpe Philip M
J: Lezcano Jose
$25,000 Lifetime: 8-3-2-1, $235,500
3-- Smooth Bert, 118, c, 2025, by Smooth Jazz
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Bona Venture Stables
B: Allen Hallett / Briggs & Cromartie Bloodstock
T: Gyarmati Leah
J: Ortiz Irad Jr
$12,500 Lifetime: 8-2-2-2, $130,064

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