Black Type Race

Birdstone S. - L, $0, SAR,

08/07/14, , 1 3/4m, 02:58.130.
Margins: 8HF, 15HF, 7 1/4 Odds: 0.5, 7.4, 6.1
1-- Micromanage, 122, h, 15, by Medaglia d'Oro
1st Dam: Catnip by Flying Paster
2nd Dam: Beware of the Cat by Caveat
3rd Dam: T. C. Kitten by Tom Cat
O: Repole Stable
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Castellano J J
$60,000 Lifetime: 18-5-4-3, $608,881
2-- Irsaal, 118, g, 15, by More Than Ready
1st Dam: Quiet Now by Tiznow
2nd Dam: Quiet Dance by Quiet American
3rd Dam: Misty Dancer by Lyphard
O: Shadwell Stable
B: Edward P. Evans
T: Mclaughlin Kiaran P
J: Ortiz Irad Jr
$20,000 Lifetime: 16-4-3-2, $261,757
3-- Slim Shadey (GB), 120, g, 17, by Val Royal (Fr)
1st Dam: Vino Veritas by Chief's Crown
2nd Dam: Wild Vintage by Alysheba
3rd Dam: Vintage by Foolish Pleasure
O: David Jacobson
B: P. M. Cunningham
T: Jacobson David
J: Lanerie C J
$10,000 Lifetime: 39-6-5-2, $743,028

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