Black Type Race

Bob Hope S. - G3, $100,000, DMR,

11/15/14, 2yo, 7f, 1:23.48, AW.
Margins: HF,1,1 3/4 Odds: 17.10,1.00,4.70
1-- No Problem, 116, h, 13, by Munnings
1st Dam: Brief Tears by Orientate
2nd Dam: Kit's Girl by Carson City
3rd Dam: Religiosity by Irish Tower
O: P and G Stables LLC
B: Mr. & Mrs. Marc C. Ferrell
T: Michael W. McCarthy
J: Victor Espinoza
$60,000 Lifetime: 6-2-0-0,$93,110
2-- Alright Alright, 116, h, 13, by Munnings
1st Dam: Afare by Meadowlake
2nd Dam: Afarel by Runaway Groom
3rd Dam: Afara's Profit by Handsome Profit
O: Red Baron's Barn LLC and Rancho Temescal
B: Dreamfields Inc & Don Brady
T: Darrell Vienna
J: Drayden Van Dyke
$20,000 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0,$53,600
3-- St. Joe Bay, 118, g, 13, by Saint Anddan
1st Dam: Dream Ride by Honor Glide
2nd Dam: Joyous Susan by If This Be So
3rd Dam: Susan's Girl by Quadrangle
O: Altamira Racing Stable and Bernsen, David A.
B: Bonnie Heath Farm, LLC
T: Peter Miller
J: Elvis Trujillo
$12,000 Lifetime: 9-1-1-2,$88,390

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