Black Type Race

Donna Freyer S. $0, PRX,

11/16/14, , 6 1/2f, 01:20.260.
Margins: NO, NO, HD Odds: 4.1, 4.3, 4.8
1-- Miss Bullistic, 121, m, 13, by Bullsbay
1st Dam: Miss Lombardi by Unbridled Jet
2nd Dam: Chemise by Secret Hello
3rd Dam: Cotton Too by Relaunch
O: Kathleen Willier
B: H. Graham Motion
T: Smith Hamilton A
J: Toledo Jevian
$45,000 Lifetime: 6-3-0-0, $136,620
2-- Mondor, 116, m, 13, by Monba
1st Dam: Twochindordor by Vice Regent
2nd Dam: Wonchindordor by Mari's Book
3rd Dam: Smooth Passage by
O: Barbara J. Houck
B: Susan Baldrige
T: Barr Donald H
J: Boyce Forest
$15,000 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $33,810
3-- Pattitude, 114, m, 13, by City Zip
1st Dam: Dancinandsingin by A.P. Indy
2nd Dam: Scoot Yer Boots by Seeking the Gold
3rd Dam: Whirl Series by Roberto
O: Robert D. Bone
B: MecCom at Hedberg Hall, Inc
T: Nations Keith
J: Carrasco Victor R
$8,250 Lifetime: 4-0-1-2, $33,150

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