Black Type Race

Transylvania S. - L, $0, KEE,

04/04/14, , 1 1/16m, 01:43.350, AW, FT
Margins: 1 1/4, NK, 3 1/4 Odds: 3, 4.9, 6.2
1-- Medal Count, 118, h, 14, by Dynaformer
1st Dam: Brisquette by Unbridled's Song
2nd Dam: Pirate's Glow by Pirate's Bounty
3rd Dam: Radiant Glow by Northern Dancer
O: Spendthrift Farm LLC
B: Stonestreet Thoroughbred Holdings LLC
T: Romans Dale
J: Albarado R J
$60,000 Lifetime: 6-3-0-0, $111,600
2-- Picozza, 118, h, 14, by More Than Ready
1st Dam: Casuarina by Menifee
2nd Dam: Erzulie Freda by Fappiano
3rd Dam: Voo Doo Dance by Stage Door Johnny
O: Starlight Racing
B: Respite Farm, Inc.
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Velazquez J R
$20,000 Lifetime: 5-1-3-0, $62,650
3-- Woodfield Springs, 118, h, 14, by Raven's Pass
1st Dam: Communique by Smart Strike
2nd Dam: Martinique by Pleasant Colony
3rd Dam: Ballet de France by Northern Dancer
O: G. Watts Humphrey, Jr.
B: G. Watts Humphrey Jr.
T: Arnold George R II
J: Leparoux Julien R
$10,000 Lifetime: 4-1-0-2, $38,360

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