Black Type Race

Bold Ego H. $0, SUN,

12/20/14, , 5 1/2f, 01:02.800.
Margins: NK, 1 3/4, 1 1/4 Odds: 2.8, 4, 1.1
1-- Belleofthebeach, 118, m, 14, by Master Command
1st Dam: Belle's Home by Came Home
2nd Dam: Belle Artiste by Broad Brush
3rd Dam: Tassie Belle by Tasso
O: Teed Off Stable LLC
B: Calvin Crain
T: Evans Justin
J: Rosendo I J
$30,000 Lifetime: 13-6-2-1, $177,724
2-- African Rose, 121, m, 16, by Bwana Charlie
1st Dam: Darby Rose by Red Bullet
2nd Dam: Wianno by Waquoit
3rd Dam: Link Bracelet by Linkage
O: Judge Lanier Racing
B: Heiligbrodt Racing Stable
T: Evans Justin
J: Eikleberry Ry
$11,000 Lifetime: 30-12-5-2, $334,156
3-- Lasting Bubbles, 125, m, 17, by Pulling Punches
1st Dam: Slim's Secret by Desert Secret (Ire)
2nd Dam: Baby Smooth by Apalachee
3rd Dam: Little Cannes by Marshua's Dancer
O: Judy Peek
B: Judy Peek
T: Peek Kevin
J: Murphy B G
$5,000 Lifetime: 27-10-6-4, $358,418

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