Black Type Race

Swift S. $35,000, TUP,

01/24/15, 4yo+, 5 1/2f, 01:02.670.
Margins: HD, NO, 1 3/4 Odds: 2.2, 24.2, 3.1
1-- Castletown, 120, g, 17, by Orientate
1st Dam: Kelly Mac by Thunder Gulch
2nd Dam: Yekaterina by Strawberry Road (Aus)
3rd Dam: Cruella by Tyrant
O: Mercedes Stables LLC
B: Mercedes Stables, LLC
T: Diodoro Robertino
J: Carreno J
$20,181 Lifetime: 17-8-3-2, $263,761
2-- Rockin Home, 121, h, 14, by Rocky Bar
1st Dam: Jungle Girl by Forest Camp
2nd Dam: Prospective Wife by Mr. Prospector
3rd Dam: Possible Mate by King's Bishop
O: Tamara Metzen
B: Triple AAA Ranch
T: Vanwinkle David
J: Franko-Angeles Geovanni
$6,510 Lifetime: 14-5-3-1, $101,024
3-- Omar, 124, g, 16, by Bertrando
1st Dam: Perfect Doll by Beau Genius
2nd Dam: Prospective Dolly by Prosperous
3rd Dam: Dolly Deb by Villamor
O: Exelby, Randy, Running Rabbit, Rick and TG Racing LLC
B: Omar Aldabbagh
T: Diodoro Robertino
J: Stevens S A
$3,255 Lifetime: 23-8-1-5, $140,742

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