Black Type Race

Pr De La Grotte - G3, €52,037, LCP,

04/25/99, , 1m, 1:47.20, T, SF
Margins: snk, no, 6 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Venize (Ire), 126, h, 2025, by Kaldoun (Fr)
1st Dam: Canaletto (Fr) by Iron Duke (Fr)
2nd Dam: Charming Doll (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Charming Friend (Fr) by
B: Haras D'Etreham & M 3 Elevage
T: Collet R
J: Peslier O
$35,486 Lifetime: 4-2-2-0, $62,692
2-- Visionnaire (Fr), 126, m, 29, by Linamix (Fr)
1st Dam: Visor by Mr. Prospector
2nd Dam: Look by Spectacular Bid
3rd Dam: Tuerta by
B: Lagardere J. L.
T: Fabre Andre
J: Jarnet T
$12,904 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $25,968
3-- Juvenia, 126, f, 2025, by Trempolino
1st Dam: Vintage by Foolish Pleasure
2nd Dam: Prix by
3rd Dam: Margarethen by Tulyar
B: Wertheimer And Frere
T: Head Christiane
J: Boeuf D
$6,452 Lifetime: 5-2-2-1, $181,767

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