Black Type Race

Tejano Run S. - L, $0, TP,

03/20/99, , 1 1/8m, 1:49.62, FT
Margins: no, 2 1/2, 1 Odds: 4.2, 1.1, 5.2
1-- Glacial, 116, h, 2025, by Northern Flagship
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Kingfish Stables
B: Mrs. Harold Cole
T: Smithwick Daniel Jr
J: Campbell J M
$31,300 Lifetime: 15-5-0-1, $114,202
2-- Baytown, 116, c, 2025, by Texas City
1st Dam: Mighty Hopeful by
2nd Dam: Judes Hope by Roman Line
3rd Dam: Miss Quick by
O: Chesterton Veronica & Manion Jamie
B: Yoder Felty J. Mr. & Mrs.
T: O'Callaghan Niall M
J: Torres F C
$10,000 Lifetime: 18-8-7-1, $173,405
3-- Da Devil, 111, g, 2025, by Leo Castelli
1st Dam: Arctic Valley by Arctic Tern
2nd Dam: Seven Valleys by Road at Sea
3rd Dam: Proud Pied by
O: Hall David V & Case Braxton
B: Burning Daylight Farms, Inc.
T: Kaelin Forrest
J: Madrid S O
$5,000 Lifetime: 20-3-5-6, $323,941

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