Black Type Race

Lanson Champagne Vintage S. - G3, £113,520, GWD,

07/29/99, , 7f, 1:25.00, T, TF
Margins: 2, 7, 1 1/4 Odds: 1.75, 5, 10
1-- Ekraar, 123, h, 28, by Red Ransom
1st Dam: Sacahuista by Raja Baba
2nd Dam: Nalees Flying Flag by Hoist the Flag
3rd Dam: Nalee by Nashua
B: Peter M. Brant
T: Tregoning M P
J: Hills R
$43,020 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $45,513
2-- Sarafan, 123, g, 28, by Lear Fan
1st Dam: Saraa Ree by Caro (Ire)
2nd Dam: Star River (Fr) by Riverman
3rd Dam: Irish Star (Fr) by Klairon
B: Stratford Place Stud
T: Prescott Sir Mark
J: Duffield G
$16,092 Lifetime: 4-3-1-0, $36,511
3-- Launfal (GB), 123, c, 2025, by Rudimentary
1st Dam: Laune (Aus) by
2nd Dam: Artistic Princess by
3rd Dam: Artistic Queen (Aus) by
T: Hannon R
J: Hughes R
$7,723 Lifetime: 5-1-0-3, $22,540

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