Black Type Race

Queen's Vase - G3, £148,536, ASC,

06/16/99, , 2m, 3:33.20, T, TF
Margins: Odds: 5, 9, 9, 8
1-- Endorsement (GB), 118, m, 2025, by Summer Squall
1st Dam: Political Parfait by Diplomat Way
2nd Dam: Peach Butter by
3rd Dam: Slipping Round by
T: Cecil H R A
J: Fallon K
$56,734 Lifetime: 3-2-0-1, $64,356
2-- Time Zone (GB), 123, h, 29, by Shirley Heights (GB)
1st Dam: Forthwith (GB) by
2nd Dam: Top Society (GB) by
3rd Dam: Dialogue (GB) by
T: Brittain C E
J: Hughes R
$21,474 Lifetime: 5-1-2-2, $38,645
3-- Compton Ace (GB), 123, c, 2025, by Pharly (Fr)
1st Dam: Mountain Lodge (GB) by Blakeney (GB)
2nd Dam: Fiddlededee (GB) by
3rd Dam: Eyewash (GB) by
T: Butler G A
J: Peslier O
$10,515 Lifetime: 7-1-2-1, $24,365

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