Black Type Race

Cowdin S. - G2, $0, BEL,

10/16/99, , 6.5f, 1:17.15, FT
Margins: 2, 1, no Odds: 12.2, 1.65, 3.25
Also Ran: Outrigger,
1-- Twilight Time, 122, h, 28, by Twilight Agenda
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Char-Mari Stable
B: Marianne Hesse & Charles Hesse
T: Rice Linda
J: Luzzi M J
$63,960 Lifetime: 5-2-0-1, $93,650
2-- Sky Dweller, 122, h, 2025, by You and I
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Roberts Bea & Robert H
B: Vinery & Dale Nelson
T: Hough Stanley M
J: Santos J A
$21,452 Lifetime: 4-1-2-1, $91,717
3-- Precise End, 122, h, 28, by End Sweep
1st Dam: Precisely by Summing
2nd Dam: Crisp 'N Clear by
3rd Dam: Ring O'Bells by
O: Mangurian Harry T Jr
B: Harry T. Mangurian, Jr.
T: Casse Mark
J: Chavez J F
$11,792 Lifetime: 6-2-0-4, $80,981

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