Black Type Race

Contrary Rose S. - L, $0, LRL,

12/04/99, , 6f, 1:09.70, FT
Margins: 4, 1/2, 3 1/2 Odds: 5.1, 4.2, 0.5
1-- Rills, 114, f, 2025, by Clever Trick
1st Dam: I'm Out by Lord Gaylord
2nd Dam: Dancing Free by Dancing Count
3rd Dam: Flamingo Way by High Gold
O: Bon Marche
B: Stephen R. Matz
T: Motion H Graham
J: Delgado A
$30,000 Lifetime: 13-4-2-5, $127,622
2-- Passeggiata (Arg), 125, f, 2025, by Samoan
1st Dam: Pilleria (Arg) by
2nd Dam: Piccalline (Arg) by
3rd Dam: Pigalle (Arg) by Kasteel (Fr)
O: Burning Daylight Farms
B: Haras Las Ortigas
T: Allen A Ferris III
J: Pino M G
$10,000 Lifetime: 29-8-4-2, $413,782
3-- Godmother, 122, m, 2025, by Show'em Slew
1st Dam: Gallant Libby by Gallant Knave
2nd Dam: Lady Lib by
3rd Dam: Gaelic Lass by High Yield
O: Appleton Arthur I
B: Arthur I. Appleton
T: Camac Robert W
J: Wilson R
$5,500 Lifetime: 16-7-3-4, $265,965

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