Black Type Race

Sundance S. - L, $0, LS,

05/08/99, , 1 1/16m, 1:42.66, FT
Margins: 1/2, 3 1/2, 8 1/4 Odds: 2.6, 3.4, 5.5
Also Ran: Stylish Rosie, Devine,
1-- Heritage Of Gold, 120, m, 2025, by Gold Legend
1st Dam: Lyphard Gal by Lyphard
2nd Dam: Gallant Sister by Vigors
3rd Dam: Special Account by Buckpasser
O: Garey Jack
B: Georgia E. Hofmann
T: Asmussen Steven M
J: Lambert C T
$45,000 Lifetime: 12-7-1-1, $181,980
2-- Shinycideup, 114, h, 2025, by Stalwart
1st Dam: Bright Cide Up by
2nd Dam: Bright Trillium by
3rd Dam: Yetive by
O: Bellamy Earl D
B: Jerry Kirksey
T: Norman Cole
J: Lanerie C J
$15,000 Lifetime: 10-4-3-2, $97,160
3-- Alzora, 114, m, 31, by Seattle Slew
1st Dam: Darien Miss by Mr. Leader
2nd Dam: Gronas by Groton
3rd Dam: Dotty Jay Jay by Lurullah
O: Vhw Stables
B: Winchell Verne H.
T: Asmussen Steven M
J: Meche D J
$8,250 Lifetime: 20-4-6-3, $227,317

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