Black Type Race

Wgz Bank Deutschland-Preis - G1, €167,014, DSS,

07/25/99, , 1 3/8m, 2:26.40, T, TF
Margins: shd, 1 1/2, 3 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Ungaro (Ger), 132, h, 31, by Goofalik
1st Dam: Ustina (Ger) by Star Appeal
2nd Dam: Unwetter (Ger) by
3rd Dam: Union (Ger) by
$107,680 Lifetime: 20-8-4-2, $974,412
2-- Sumitas (Ger), 118, h, 29, by Lomitas (GB)
1st Dam: Subia (Ger) by Konigsstuhl (Ger)
2nd Dam: Surata (Ger) by
3rd Dam: Surama (Ger) by Reliance II (Fr)
B: Gestut Stiftung Fahrhof
$43,072 Lifetime: 8-5-1-0, $313,718
3-- Dark Shell (Ire), 132, c, 2025, by Darshaan (GB)
1st Dam: Grecian Urn (Ire) by Ela-Mana-Mou (Ire)
2nd Dam: Sea Singer by
3rd Dam: Brief Song by
$21,536 Lifetime: 8-2-1-2, $67,734

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