Black Type Race

Cinderella S. - L, $0, HOL,

06/06/99, , 5.5f, 1:06.10, FT
Margins: 1 1/4, 2, 1/2 Odds: 0.6, 5.1, 16.3
1-- Magicalmysterycat, 119, m, 2025, by Storm Cat
1st Dam: Nannerl by Valid Appeal
2nd Dam: Allouette by Proud Birdie
3rd Dam: Madame Defage by
O: Padua Stables
B: Katsuhiko Hirai
T: Lukas D Wayne
J: Antley C W
$42,660 Lifetime: 2-2-0-0, $69,660
2-- Sweet Defense, 116, f, 2025, by Defensive Play
1st Dam: Sweet Native Lady by
2nd Dam: Lady Sylvie by
3rd Dam: Willowfield by
O: Dutton & Klahr
B: Lindon Farms
T: Dutton Jerry
J: Delahoussaye E
$17,670 Lifetime: 3-1-1-0, $51,624
3-- Princes Melissa, 116, m, 2025, by Marquetry
1st Dam: Eggs Binnedict by Naskra
2nd Dam: Mlle. Liebe by Bupers
3rd Dam: Lorgnette 2nd by
O: Garcia Rubio & Shirey
B: Richard Schibell & Allen Chestman
T: Garcia Juan V
J: Gomez G K
$8,532 Lifetime: 5-1-2-2, $56,132

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