Black Type Race

Indiana Stallion S. (2yo Filly) (R) $0, HOO,

10/25/99, , 6f, 1:15.07, FT
Margins: 2 3/4, 4, 6 1/4 Odds: 4.1, 0.9, 1.9
1-- Indy Annie, 116, f, 2025, by Radio Daze
1st Dam: Excuses Excuses by
2nd Dam: Yes But by
3rd Dam: Wiles by
O: Lumley Martha & George F Jr
B: Martha F. Lumley & George F. Lumley, Jr.
T: Lumley George Jr
J: Abell D M
$25,050 Lifetime: 4-2-0-0, $39,723
2-- Lady's Legal Ma Ja, 116, f, 2025, by Legalmumblejumble
1st Dam: Lady Ma Ja by
2nd Dam: Mi Ma Ja by
3rd Dam: Negreira by
O: Ahaus Anna M
B: Anna Mae Ahaus
T: Ahaus Frank
J: Prescott R
$8,350 Lifetime: 4-1-2-0, $28,750
3-- Sister Blues, 112, m, 13, by Pioneerof the Nile
1st Dam: Philadelphia Blues by Wild Again
2nd Dam: I Love The Blues by Cure the Blues
3rd Dam: Inkblot by Secretariat
O: Brandywine Stables
B: Jerry C. Walker
T: Radosevich Jake S
J: Court J K
$4,593 Lifetime: 4-0-1-2, $12,033

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