Black Type Race

Sagamore S. - L, $0, LRL,

03/20/99, , 1 1/4m, 2:01.82, FT
Margins: 2, 1 1/2, 3/4 Odds: 2.2, 2.1, 6.4
1-- Fred Bear Claw, 122, g, 2025, by Salutely
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Smith A A Jr
B: William Dixon & Kathleen Kelley
T: Smith A Archie
J: Wilson R
$49,125 Lifetime: 32-9-4-5, $249,050
2-- Waited, 122, c, 2025, by Allen's Prospect
1st Dam: Lydia Ann by
2nd Dam: Third Princess by
3rd Dam: Helentar by
O: Kees Barbara M & Rudolph Sherry
B: Kees Barbara M.
T: Kees Barbara
J: Delgado A
$16,375 Lifetime: 20-7-4-1, $235,944
3-- Crosspatch, 115, c, 31, by Waquoit
1st Dam: Hatched by Hatchet Man
2nd Dam: Restless Spring by Restless Native
3rd Dam: Sea Sego by Sea Charger
O: Bonsal Frank A Jr
B: Bonsal Frank A. Jr.
T: Kern Berkley Jr
J: Santana J Z
$9,007 Lifetime: 13-5-1-1, $94,817

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