Black Type Race

Jockey Club Cup - G3, $92,432, NKT,

10/02/99, , 2m, 3:38.40, T, SF
Margins: Odds: 2.75, 0.73, 3.33
Also Ran: ,
1-- Rainbow High (GB), 126, h, 30, by Rainbow Quest
1st Dam: Imaginary (Ire) by Dancing Brave
2nd Dam: Bold Fantasy (Ire) by Bold Lad (Ire)
3rd Dam: Ribot's Fantasy by
T: Hills B W
J: Hills M
$38,114 Lifetime: 16-4-4-1, $199,864
2-- Arctic Owl (GB), 131, g, 2025, by Most Welcome (GB)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Fanshawe J R
J: Cochrane R
$12,183 Lifetime: 16-7-4-3, $294,049
3-- Celeric (GB), 129, c, 2025, by Mtoto (GB)
1st Dam: Hot Spice by Hotfoot (GB)
2nd Dam: Persian Market (GB) by Taj Dewan (Fr)
3rd Dam: Londonderry Air (GB) by
T: Dunop J L
J: Eddery Pat
$5,845 Lifetime: 39-13-7-4, $735,426

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