Black Type Race

Affectionately Handicap - G3, $0, AQU,

01/23/99, , 1 1/16m, 1:44.62, GD
Margins: 10 1/4, nk, 12 Odds: 2.7, 15.3, 22.9
1-- Biding Time, 118, f, 2025, by Seeking the Gold
1st Dam: Icy Time by Icecapade
2nd Dam: Timely Affair by Gilded Time
3rd Dam: Friendly Relations by
O: Evans Edward P
B: Dr. Jose Birriel
T: Hennig Mark
J: Gryder A T
$50,220 Lifetime: 19-7-2-7, $414,925
2-- Shoop, 113, m, 34, by Double Sonic
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Davis Barbara J
B: Joseph Petrucione
T: Moschera Gasper S
J: Pezua J M
$16,740 Lifetime: 62-11-17-9, $900,557
3-- Daily Reflection, 112, f, 2025, by Talc
1st Dam: Star Brilliant by
2nd Dam: Brilliant Time by
3rd Dam: Lady Brilliance by
O: McMahon Shawn
B: Nancy Trotta, Leonard Liberta &susan Butler
T: Deuel William
J: Nelson D
$9,207 Lifetime: 17-5-4-3, $140,777

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