Black Type Race

Toboggan Handicap - L, $0, AQU,

03/15/98, , 7f, 1:23.00, FT
Margins: 1 3/4, 2, hd Odds: 6.2, 0.9, 4.4
1-- Home On The Ridge, 114, c, 2025, by Homebuilder
1st Dam: Nizy by Cox's Ridge
2nd Dam: Nizhanee by Pago Pago
3rd Dam: Winell by Rising Market
B: John Franks
J: McCauley W H
$49,650 Lifetime: 22-6-5-4, $208,621
2-- Wire Me Collect, 118, h, 32, by Clever Trick
1st Dam: Loose Wire by Ruritania
2nd Dam: Miss Nanith by Victoria Park
3rd Dam: Nangela by Nearctic
B: Driver & Ferguson
J: Migliore R
$16,550 Lifetime: 16-6-4-3, $377,887
3-- King Roller, 116, c, 2025, by Silent King
1st Dam: Native Roller by
2nd Dam: Daisy Roller by
3rd Dam: Pindari by
B: Angelle Moise Jr
J: Gryder A T
$9,102 Lifetime: 70-16-19-13, $539,404

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