Black Type Race

Tulsa Sprint S. (R) $0, FMT,

06/27/98, , 4f, 0:44.80, FT
Margins: 3/4, 2, 1 Odds: 1.1, 5.3, 34.2
1-- Anymore, 124, f, 2025, by Pancho Villa
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
B: Richter John
$14,664 Lifetime: 31-7-7-2, $99,863
2-- Nana's Glaze, 124, c, 2025, by Glazed
1st Dam: Nana's Honey by
2nd Dam: Ann Kay by
3rd Dam: Cute Deb by
B: Phinney Lloyd
$6,266 Lifetime: 20-3-3-0, $35,755
3-- Voucher, 118, g, 2025, by Chidester
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
B: Pecan Meadows Farm
$3,563 Lifetime: 7-2-0-2, $18,713

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