Black Type Race

Pr Chiusura - G3, €56,292, MLA,

10/30/98, , 6f, 1:26.40, T, SF
Margins: 1, 1 1/2, no Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Tertullian, 133, h, 30, by Miswaki
1st Dam: Turbaine by Trempolino
2nd Dam: Allegretta (GB) by Lombard (Ger)
3rd Dam: Anatevka (Ger) by
B: Gestut Schlenderhan
$34,130 Lifetime: 11-3-1-0, $76,696
2-- Tannenkonig (Ire), 133, h, 30, by Fairy King
1st Dam: Tannenalm (Ger) by
2nd Dam: Tannenwiese (Ger) by
3rd Dam: Tanne (Ger) by
$15,938 Lifetime: 13-1-4-4, $160,607
3-- Gaelic Symphony (Ire), 134, c, 2025, by Fayruz (GB)
1st Dam: Time Is Flying (Ire) by
2nd Dam: Bluemore (GB) by
3rd Dam: Blue Flame by
$8,963 Lifetime: 26-8-6-6, $136,050

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