Black Type Race

Genuine Risk Handicap - G2, $0, BEL,

05/16/98, , 6f, 1:10.20, FT
Margins: 2 1/2, 1 3/4, no Odds: 8.2, 30, 1.5
1-- J J'Sdream, 118, m, 2025, by Glitterman
1st Dam: Thwack by Fight Over
2nd Dam: Royal Ties by Distinctive
3rd Dam: New Love by Pardal (Fr)
B: Kathleen D. Standridge
$83,310 Lifetime: 34-13-7-7, $929,546
2-- Tate, 112, m, 2025, by Afleet
1st Dam: Half Secret by Upper Nile
2nd Dam: Half Concealed by Cyane
3rd Dam: Half Tone by Tudor Minstrel
B: Peace John
$27,770 Lifetime: 15-3-2-6, $140,960
3-- Capote Belle, 118, m, 2025, by Capote
1st Dam: Rythmical by Fappiano
2nd Dam: Graceful Gal by Curlin
3rd Dam: Cloon by Lure
B: F. A. Genter Stable, Inc.
$15,273 Lifetime: 21-9-5-4, $603,314

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