Black Type Race

John Porter S. - G3, £93,048, NBY,

04/18/98, , 1 1/2m, 2:50.60, T, SF
Margins: hd, nk, 1 1/2 Odds: 5, 20, 3.5
1-- Posidonas (GB), 124, h, 2025, by Slip Anchor (GB)
1st Dam: Tamassos (GB) by Dance in Time
2nd Dam: Salamina (Ire) by Welsh Pageant (Fr)
3rd Dam: Femme Elite by
T: Cole P F I
J: Quinn T
$34,101 Lifetime: 20-7-3-4, $402,767
2-- Sacho (Ire), 124, c, 2025, by Sadler's Wells
1st Dam: Oh So Sharp (Ire) by Kris (GB)
2nd Dam: Oh So Fair by Graustark
3rd Dam: Chandelle by Crafty Prospector
T: Harris J L
J: Weaver J
$12,763 Lifetime: 6-1-4-0, $29,908
3-- The Fly (GB), 123, c, 2025, by Pharly (Fr)
1st Dam: Nelly Do Da (GB) by
2nd Dam: Flying Nelly (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Flying By (GB) by Bleep-Bleep (GB)
B: Vacacion
T: Hills B W
J: Hills M
$6,131 Lifetime: 11-3-0-4, $138,475

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