Black Type Race

Matron Handicap - L, $0, EVD,

08/08/98, , 1 1/16m, 1:47.00, FT
Margins: 18, 2, 3 Odds: 1.9, 13.1, 2.4
1-- Knight Woman, 119, m, 2025, by El Mandingo
1st Dam: Knightly Spritely by Knightly Dawn
2nd Dam: Craim Check by Terrang
3rd Dam: Bend Sails by Ambiorix
B: Caldwell, Delmar R.
$30,000 Lifetime: 20-9-6-2, $295,961
2-- Belle Evon, 115, m, 31, by Risen Star
1st Dam: Nasherrico by Amerrico
2nd Dam: Nashlina by Nashver
3rd Dam: Missy R. by
B: Powell Bennett E.
$10,000 Lifetime: 21-4-7-3, $105,600
3-- Code Satan, 117, m, 2025, by Lost Code
1st Dam: Native Satan by Our Native
2nd Dam: Satan Sez by
3rd Dam: East Wind by
B: Golden Rule Stable
$5,500 Lifetime: 40-10-6-6, $216,525

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