Black Type Race

Pr Maurice De Gheest - G1, €126,790, DVL,

08/09/98, , 6f, 1:14.80, T, TF
Margins: 1, 1, 1 Odds: 0, 8.6, 0
1-- Seeking the Pearl, 125, m, 2025, by Seeking the Gold
1st Dam: Page Proof by Seattle Slew
2nd Dam: Barb's Bold by Bold Forbes
3rd Dam: Goofed by Court Martial
B: Lazy Lane Stables, Inc.
T: Mori H
J: Take Y
$84,150 Lifetime: 13-8-0-2, $3,144,578
2-- Jim And Tonic (Fr), 128, c, 2025, by Double Bed (Fr)
1st Dam: Jimka (Fr) by Jim French
2nd Dam: Kastueuse (Fr) by Kashmir II (Ire)
3rd Dam: Vertueuse (Fr) by
B: Green Ireland Properties Ltd.
T: Doumen F
J: Mosse G
$33,660 Lifetime: 16-7-5-1, $251,938
3-- Muchea (GB), 128, c, 2025, by Shalford (Ire)
1st Dam: Bargouzine (GB) by Hotfoot (GB)
2nd Dam: Right As Rain (GB) by Rainbow Quest
3rd Dam: Pelting (GB) by
T: Channon M R
J: Roberts M
$16,830 Lifetime: 21-5-3-5, $308,855

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