Black Type Race

Testum S. (R) $0, BOI,

05/29/98, , 7f, 1:25.60, FT
Margins: nk, 12 1/2, 1 3/4 Odds: 0.8, 0.8, 16
1-- Gratteau, 122, g, 2025, by Synastry
1st Dam: Misty Writer by
2nd Dam: Flavia Miss by His Majesty
3rd Dam: Flavia by Roman
B: Billingsley Creek Ranch
$4,769 Lifetime: 5-3-1-0, $13,387
2-- San Diego Pete, 122, g, 2025, by Santiago Peak
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
B: Billingsley Creek Ranch
$1,590 Lifetime: 8-3-2-2, $20,369
3-- Kokanee King, 122, g, 2025, by Synastry
1st Dam: So Was It Written by
2nd Dam: Muchisma by
3rd Dam: Allegheny 2nd by
B: Weatherhead Don
$954 Lifetime: 4-1-0-2, $2,517

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